+34 911 041 211 (antiguo 91 630 52 18) info@clinicadentalmarcanovas.com

Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine

Integrative Dentistry and Medicine for all the family

We open a new stage. Now our care offer is expanded and goes beyond Dentistry.

Integrative Medicine, intended for adults and children, is part of our daily lives, for all specialities.

Our goal is work as a team, opening the possibility of enriching diagnoses with the contributions of each professional in the team and, quoting Rudolf Steiner, "this is the secret for the progress of humanity in the future": working through communities.

Integrative Medicine contemplates the patient in its entirety, leveraging the advances offered by both scientific medicine and humanistic medicine. It is a model of medicine in which the patient actively participates in the process of prevention and improvement of his/her health.

The professionals at our center have extensive experience and a true vocation for patient service.


Dr. Beatriz Sánchez

Adult Medicine

  • Physician
  • Anthroposophical Medicine Specialist

Dr. Beatriz Lentijo


  • Physician
  • Anthroposophical Pediatrics Specialist

Daniel García


  • Bachelor in Physiotherapy

Book An Appointment:

+34 911 041 211
(old +34 91 630 52 18)
Cell: +34 682 326 304

Working Hours:

Monday-Friday: 9:30am-1:30pm and
Alternate Saturdays: 9:30am-1:30pm

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